Sunday, July 26, 2009

Spartans in da toilet

It is late in the night, and a combination of beer, coffee, and water forced me to check out with the men's restroom

I go in, in a rush, and ignore my surroundings

After the first pressure leaves, I look to my right, to see two hipsters enjoying the urinal. (what is a hipster:

We got two hipsters, pants down to the ankle, bare butted, enjoying a swordfight with their wastewater.

Still ok... I used to swordfight with my pee when I was like five...

Still ok, till:

One of the barebutt, pants down to ankle guys breaks off the swordfight to continue peeing on his friend.

Now, I am there enjoying a pleasant relaxing moment, when I got two barebutt guys on my side, one peeing on the other.

The other hipster, noticing he s getting peed on, goes “Fuuuuuck”, and turns on his friend.

Now, I am still there enjoying a pleasant relaxing moment, when I got two barebutt guys running in circles like the duelling cowboys, and peeing on eachother... And succeeding.

A sight to behold, another reason to love this country.

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