We all make stupid mistakes. We may learn, we may not. We can also teach.
Adapt. Observe the situation and adapt.
Or pay the price.
Was in my favorite venue with a friend, who was at that time getting some drinks. And was he taking his time.
I was sitting on a three man couch, taking up space for two. His space was the one man couch facing the interior, and we had a third one man couch facing the wall.
So, at that instant I seemed to be one man occupying five places.
Two cutiepies come,
"Are these free" they ask.
Me, lost in my head, thinking about something that was so unimportant that I forgot now, first showed my buddy's place,
"That is taken", then showed the one facing the wall, and the free space beside me, "These are free"...
The cutiepies did not like the idea, said their thank you's...
One minute later, after I should have taken cue and adapted, two sweetpies come,
"Are these free" they ask.
Me, still lost in my head, thinking about something that was so unimportant that I forgot now, first showed my buddy's place,
"That is taken", then showed the one facing the wall, and the free space beside me, "These are free"...
The sweetpies did not like the idea, said their thank you's...
Another minute passes, I really should have taken the lesson, two honeypies come,
"Are these free" they ask.
Me, still, still, lost in my head, thinking about something that was so unimportant that I forgot now, first showed my buddy's place,
"That is taken", then showed the one facing the wall, and the free space beside me, "These are free"...
The honeypies did not like the idea, said their thank you's...
While I was thinking to myself "Hehe, this does not happen too often",
Two chubbypies come,
"Are these free" they ask.
Me, lost in my head, thinking about something that was so unimportant that I forgot now, first showed my buddy's place,
"That is taken", then showed the one facing the wall, and the free space beside me, "These are free"... "but that table is getting up", I show the next table.
The chubbypies did like the idea, said their thank you's...
I deserved this.
I did deserve this punishment.
You can be given only so many chances.
You can learn, adapt, improve,
Or you can die.
I did not die, but I was taught a lesson.
Now, on a different day, I am sitting on a table of five places, and none yet came to ask if I got free place.
Life teaches the willing to learn,
Punishes the unwilling to learn.
Fucking amazing. After many years through chance I found this blog again. I'm elated.