Saturday, October 16, 2004

On wolf, sheep and rabbits...

Upon a mail I got from a lady I have been after for two years, and who has been here a couple of times, it popped into my head...

Sheep in wolf skin…

What is this?

First of all…

Is a hunter…
Knows where he stands…

Is not afraid to move.. On the contrary, needs to hunt, to survive… Instincts are to find prey,… to survive… And is a pack animal, sometimes leader in the pack, though all have leader qualities, and challenge each other for leadership, and occasionally chooses solitude…

Sheep and bunnies….
Sometimes called the hunted..

Need acknowledgement from society.. .A pack animal… Not self dependent… Basic instinct is to survive by not being consumed.. Afraid of power… Worships power… Follows power… Real power frightens, but faked power is accepted…

Many like to become the wolf, but the security of their surroundings are hard to turn back to and leave…

What is all this bullshit?

Lately I have realized, I like to go for women who have high self confidence… Who have a high standing… Whose physical, social and emotional status is challenging for me…
Ok, I also have the ones which are not like this.. Call, have sex, goodbye…

The challenging women, I like to call, like to talk to, like to sleep with, spend the nite.. Joke.. Have fun, touch.. Feel them… Not knowing if I will see them again.. They not knowing me… A challenge on every time…

Women, who are scary for other men, unattainable…
Women, who are not scared of projected calmness, excitement, weakness, fear, self esteem, power, lust, passion, choice, awareness…
Women who take a man following their instincts, knowing it, liking it…
Women, who are the wolf..
A kind knows the other…
And wolf suits wolf…
When the hunter hunts the hunted, who, in turn, is a hunter, hunting the hunted…
Two lions sharing the same bed..
Vicious, hard, dangerous…

Bunnies are consumed, even though they have fun and the wolf has fun… Its nature.. Wolf eats meat.
Wolfs are enjoyed, lust and pleasure on both sides…
And wolf is not afraid of wolf – did I say that?

But bunnies, women with lower self esteem, sheep, they are afraid, they get scared, they, if realize, are afraid to be consumed, devoured by the carnivorous, lust seeking wolf.
Bunnies rather fall for the sheep with wolf skin, as it is easy to see through the false projection.. The eyes say the truth… Bunnies know they can cope with that…

Dunno.. kinda got lost writing this…
One thing to end this lost text:
Wolf is not cruel.. as wolf needs no proof for his ego…
Sheep, bunnies, they are cruel, they need proof they exist.. On the expense on whoever’s available…
Cruelty does not affect the wolf.. A wolf says, prey with foul meat not worth consuming.. Choose another…
That is another reason why bunnies dislike the godlike wolf, as they cannot affect him.
Same for male bunnies.
So in the end,

Solution for a wolf, find a wolf..
Just like an eagle not feeling to deal with pigeons…
A hunter who is hunted has the joy of being hunted. As he is hunting the same time.
It’s a war.
Lust and pleasure being the outcome.

(Update the next evening:)

So, I wrote the above, read it again, have to admit, it is quite confusing.


Even though most women want a man who is a man, the fear him.. His independence, his self assuredness, his power.

The only ones which can handle a man, are the ones which are not afraid… May be nose up, may not be nose up – as I considered nose up women having their nose up just to prove their self esteem to themselves…. Still… - these women are a scarcity.

Solution for these guys, is to be selective, only go for the top of the pyramid.

Your range gets so much smaller, in the bar environment, while a normal guy can hit on twenty girls, this guy only can four, maybe five… With much much higher rejection possibilities.. But experience has shown that, women with a self esteem, not close to the guy, or higher, will cause troubles at the first occasion, fucking up a night/week/month…

The wolf – wolf thing is this.

You need to play in your league or higher…

Lower league – not talking about looks or intelligence, intelligence btw, ranking lowest in the survey, talking about self esteem – is a no no for someone with higher s.e., as the interaction is destined to fuck up. So, a wolf has the best time with a wolf, tiger etc, not a bunny, rabbit…

Chicks are good though ?

Chicky chick chick…

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